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               n order to identify and make visible   semi-structured interview, participant   Cross Impacts and Multiplication
               the strategies of adoption and   observation, informal conversation and   Applied to a Classification (MICMAC),
             Iadaptation to climate change and   social mapping. In the second moment,   determining those with the greatest
              climate variability taken by the farmers   a review of the proposed guidelines   direct and indirect influence to face
              of the municipality of La Bella, Pereira,   on adoption and adaptation to climate   climate change and climate variability.
              as well as the guidelines proposed by   change and climate variability was   This study represented one of the first
              the public institutions of the region,   carried out from 1998 to 2018 in the   efforts in the area of study to examine
              elements whose study is fundamental   Basin Development and Management   the relationships between farmers’
              when planning and promoting the   Plans (POMCAS) and the Municipal   perceptions, concerns about climate
              development of the rural sector, the   Development Plans (PDM) for the city   change, and attitudes and strategies
              following moments were developed: IIn   of Pereira establishing categories and   towards adaptive management
              the first, five farms of jurisdiction of La   subcategories of analysis. During the   in agriculture, concluding that
              Bella were characterized according to   third moment, adapting the analytical   communities should be empowered
              their changes in land uses and practices   framework of Participatory Social Return   through the development of capacities
              associated with responses of adoption   on Investment (PSROI), the relationships   to deal with climate change, as well
              and adaptation to climate change   between strategies against climate   as finding solutions to protect them
              and climate variability, deepening the   change and climate variability at the   against the negative consequences of
              farm-climate relationship and using   agricultural  and  institutional level   this in public management instruments.
              ethnographic methods such as dialogue,   were analyzed through a Matrix of

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