P. 37
de calidad del agua en el río Alambi.
SUMMARY values such as: dissolved oxygen (DO), Hurtado, S.; Trejo, F.G.; Yurrita, P.J.G.
conductivity, temperature and pH. Other
Série Zoológica, 2(6), 17–32.
records such as: Nitrates (NO3), Nitrites
(NO2) using the Aqua Merck rapid water (2005). Importancia ecológica de
kit. Finally, the water quality in the study los macroinvertebrados bentónicos
quatic systems in high Andean areas, according to the biological indices, de la subcuenca del Río San
ecosystems are an important was determined as slightly polluted or Juan, Querétaro, México. Folia
Acase study for research, the study low quality water. Likewise, significant Entomológica Mexicana, 44(3),
of water quality is commonly carried changes in the physicochemical 271–286.
out by means of the characterization characteristics of the environment Jiménez, M.A.; Vélez, M.V. (2006).
of physicochemical and bacteriological coincide significantly with variations Análisis comparativo de Indicadores
parameters. An alternative to these in the composition and abundance of de la Calidad de agua superficial.
methods is through biological indicators, aquatic communities, because there is Avances en Recursos Hidráulicos,
using aquatic insects. The department a close correlation between organisms 0(14), 53–69.
of Boyacá (Colombia) has a great wealth and environmental factors. Research of Rocha, Z.E.G.; Rodríguez, L.Á.C.;
of water which has been affected by this nature offers a complete analysis Rodríguez, J.L. V.; Soler, X.D. (2015).
the different anthropic activities of the state of a body of water, allowing Bioindicadores de la calidad del agua
in most of the territory. hence the governmental and environmental en áreas con restauración ecológica
importance of carrying out studies to entities to take the necessary actions de la quebrada la colorada, Villa de
explore the state of aquatic ecosystems. for its management and restoration. Leyva, Boyacá. I3+, 2(2), 10–27.
Therefore, the objective of this work Roldán-Pérez, G. (1999). Los
in La Playa (Tuta) and La Copa (Toca) REFERENCIAS Macroinvertebrados y Su Valor
was to report water quality conditions
Como Indicadores de La Calidad
dams located in the department, by Del Agua. Revista de la Academia
using aquatic macroinvertebrates and Castellanos, P.M.; Serrato, C. (2008). Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas
physicochemical aspects. Biological Diversidad de macroinvertebrados Físicas y Naturales, 23(88), 375–
samples and physicochemical data acuáticos en un nacimiento de 387.
were obtained in the two artificial Río en el Páramo de Santurbán, Roldán-Pérez, G. (2016). Los
water systems, located in the Central Norte de Santander. Revista de la macroinvertebrados como
province of the department of Boyacá. Academia Colombiana de ciencias bioindicadores de la calidad del
the samples were collected using Surber exactas, físicas y naturales, 32(122), agua: cuatro décadas de desarrollo
sampler at nine strategic points of the 79–86. en Colombia y Latinoamerica.
dams during of June–August 2018. As Cifuentes, G.R.; Gamboa, R.A.B.; Revista de la Academia Colombiana
a result 979 insects were collected, Rocha, Z.E.G. (2014). Diagnóstico de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y
they belonged to four orders, 15 fisicoquímico, biológico y Naturales, 40(155), 254–274.
families and 19 genera. The order with microbiológico de las aguas del Sierra, C.A. (2011). Calidad del agua.
the greatest abundance was Diptera Embalse de La Copa (Boyacá). Evaluación y diagnóstico [online].
(57,30%), followed by Hemiptera Universidad de Boyacá, Centro de 1. ed Medellín: Universidad de
(25,02%), Coleoptera (13,38%) and Investigaciones para el Desarrollo, Medellín.
Odonata (4,29%). For the report of Facultad de Ciencias e Ingeniería. Tokeshi, M. (1993). Species Abundance
physicochemical parameters, three ISBN 978-958-8642-52-9. Patterns and Community Structure.
points were located along each dam, Giacometti, J.; Bersosa, F. (2006). (Begon, M.; Fitter, A.H., Eds).
for which a multi-parameter equipment Macroinvertebrados acuáticos y su Advances in Ecological Research,
(Multi340i) was used to determine importancia como bioindicadores 24, 111–186.