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SUMMARY                                                         REFERENCIAS

                  ommonly, the study and      For TSS the average value was 89.51µs/  Chávez, J.A. (2018). Calidad del
                  monitoring of water quality is done   cm, conductivity which has a tendency   agua y desarrollo sostenible.
              Cthrough the characterization of   to  decrease  for  the  rainy  season   Revista Peruana de
              physicochemical and bacteriological   compared to the dry season. BOD5 and   Medicina Experimental y Salud
              parameters; however, the presence of   COD in the two sampling periods did not   Pública, 35(2), 304-308.
              specific pollutants that are discharged   show variations or high concentration
              at times when an exact record of their   peaks. Nitrates during the two sampling   rpmesp.2018.352.3719
              incidence is not achieved, has led to the   periods were the same, values <0.35.   Ramírez, A., Restrepo, R., & Viña,
              exploration of different methodologies   Finally, the pH showed data ranging   G. (1997). Cuatro índices
              to determine the quality of a body of   from (6.6 - 7.2). We observed 1017   d e  co nt a m i n a c i ó n  p a ra
              water, such as bioindication through   individuals, 7 orders (Coleoptera, Diptera,   caracterización de aguas
              the study of aquatic organisms.   Ephemeroptera, Hemiptera, Neuroptera,   continentales. Formulaciones
              Considering the above, the water   Plecoptera and Trichoptera), 23 families   y aplicación. CT&F - Ciencia,
              quality of the Cometa river, located in   of macroinvertebrates and 26 genera,   Tecnología y Futuro, 1(3), 135-
              the municipality of Socotá (Boyacá), was   standing out in richness and abundance   153.
              evaluated because the system presents   Anacroneuria (29.71%), Thraulodes   Roldán-Pérez, G. (2003). Bioindicación
              alterations such as dumping of thermo-  (28.27%) and Heptagenia (20.60%).   de la calidad del agua en Colombia:
              mineral waters, crop leachates, presence   This study contributes mainly to a   Propuesta para el uso del método
              of  animal  grazing,  and  intensive   reduction of environmental impacts in   BMWP Col. Editorial Universidad
              agricultural activities. The study was   water systems generated from anthropic   de Antioquia.
              carried out by determining the diversity   activities, generating positive impacts,   Silva, M. S., Queiroz, J. F., Cesnik, R.,
              of aquatic macroinvertebrates present in   because the quality of the basin will   Ferraz, J. M., & Moraes, J. F. (2010).
              three stations, distributed in the upper   be characterized to prevent negative   Assessment  of  Oriçanga  and
              (CA), middle (CM) and lower (CB) parts   effects that may occur over time in the   Itupeva rivers water quality at the
              of the river. For the physicochemical   Cometa River.              Pardo-Mogi watershed (São Paulo
              monitoring, in situ parameters were                                State, Brazil). Acta Limnologica
              evaluated such as: Temperature and                                 Brasiliensia, 22(3), 335-343.
              flow rate which was established at                       
              each sampling point through the wading                             actalb.02203010
              technique this in order to perform
              composite sample of 4L for each
              station and thus analyze parameters
              such as: Dissolved oxygen, pH, hardness,
              alkalinity, acidity, dissolved solids,
              suspended solids, sulfates, nitrates,
              phosphates, iron, mercury, lead, COD,
              BOD5 and conductivity, which indicated
              that the river has low contamination
              due to mineralization,  slight  organic
              matter contaminant load and minimal
              contamination due to suspended solids.

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