P. 47

SUMMARY                                                         REFERENCIAS

                  eiselia mexicana (Forman et al.   was found, 86% in late collection and   Forman, L.L.; Brandham, P.E.; Harley,
                  1989) is an endemic species of the   83% in early collection, aerial seed   M.M.; Lawrence, T.J. (1989).
             Btropical deciduous forest of the   banks showed higher viability. High   Beiselia mexicana (Burseraceae)
              Municipality of Aquila, Michoacán, it is   seed viability was found, 86% in late   and its affinities. Kew bulletin,
              important for its rare beauty, its antiquity   collection and 83% in early collection,   1-31.
              and religious use and in traditional   aerial seed banks showed higher
              medicine. The lack of knowledge and   viability. Germination occurred between
              the low recruitment of new individuals   seven and eight days after sowing. The
              are taking this species to the brink of   germination percentage was higher for
              extinction. The main objective of this   early collection (18.9 to 37.7%) than
              work was to determine the germination   for late collection (14% to 24%). In
              percentages of Beiselia mexicana in situ,   general, the aerial seed banks showed
              considering two collection times (late   higher germination than the soil ones.
              and early) and two seed banks (aerial   During the early collection, differences
              and soil). Pyrenes were collected in the   were only found in the germination of
              localities of La Virgen, El Cenizo, Ojo   La Virgen (26.6 to 39.1%) and El Cenizo
              de Agua, Mancira and El Colorado. The   and Mancira presented the highest
              percentage of viability was obtained   percentages, while in the late collection
              by the flotation method and later were   there were  no  differences between
              placed in imbibition. Subsequently,   localities. Seedling survival percentage
              30 pyrenes were sown with three   was 66.6% in 18 weeks of observation.
              repetitions  for  each  collection  time,   In conclusion,  in situ germination of
              each seed bank, and each locality.   Beiselia mexicana should be carried
              The differences in the germination   out with pyrenes collected early and
              percentages between the variables were   particularly, from the aerial seed bank,
              analyzed. The resulting seedlings were   as well, it is advisable to carry out the
              kept in a nursery and the percentage of   collections in El Cenizo or in Mancira.
              survival was analyzed. High seed viability

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