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“reglas”, “normas” y “estrategias”, donde   de impactos ambientales y sociales   serán promotoras de la articulación de
              cobra relevancia la identificación de las   (ONU HÁBITAT COLOMBIA et al. 2015),   los instrumentos para la gestión de las
              fuentes de monitoreo, que permiten o   finalmente, se presenta la propuesta   áreas protegidas urbanas.
              no la adaptación de las instituciones a la   de nueve lineamientos de gestión,
              realidad del contexto. Con todo lo anterior   que posibilitan la articulación entre los
              y teniendo en cuenta las tendencias del   instrumentos para la gestión de las áreas
              crecimiento urbano que se proyectan   protegidas urbanas, que se reclama para
              nivel nacional, que advierten sobre   la sostenibilidad del territorio desde la
              las  demandas  correspondientes de   PNGIBSE. Para su implementación, se
              servicios ecosistémicos y la generación   incluye una caja de herramientas, que


               n Colombia, the management of the   vision of PNGIBSE, which implies a great   adopted to understand the functioning
               protected areas declared within the   institutional challenge as noted Paredes   of the formal institutions addressed in
             Iframework  of  the  National  System   Leguizamón (2018). The results of the   this case, based on the synergy between
              of Protected Areas SINAP (Ministry   developed phases are presented, initially   institutional statements, defined as
              of Environment and Sustainable   the attributes for the management of 25   “rules”, “norms” and “strategies”, where
              Development, 2010), have played a   APUs were identified, 16 areas that make   the identification of the monitoring
              fundamental role in the development   up the SIDAP of the city of Bogotá, and   sources becomes relevant, which allow
              of the territory, to which is added the   9 areas that make up the SIMAP of the   or not the adaptation of the institutions
              Regional System of Protected Areas   municipality of Medellín. Subsequently,   to the reality of the context. With all
              (SIRAP), the Metropolitan System of   through the application of the content   the above, and taking into account the
              Protected Areas (SIMAP), and the District   analysis methodology, on the 109   urban growth trends that are projected
              System of Protected Areas (SIDAP).     management instruments addressed   at the national level,  which warn
              Although these last two arise from the   in both contexts, the positive and   about the corresponding demands for
              urban context, they are problematized   negative relationships were identified   ecosystem services and the generation
              from the logic of the National Policy for   that constitute one of the explanatory   of environmental and social impacts
              the Integral Management of Biodiversity   factors of the articulation between the   (UN HÁBITAT COLOMBIA et al. 2015),
              and its Ecosystem Services (PNGIBSE),   instruments based on the axes of the   finally it is presents the proposal of nine
              since it presupposes their operation   PNGIBSE: 1) Conservation and Care of   management guidelines, which make
              from the articulation between the   Nature; 2) Governance and Creation of   possible the articulation between the
              management instruments, as the main   Public Value of Biodiversity; 3) Economic   instruments  for  the  management  of
              tool to solve the socio-environmental   Development, Competitiveness   urban protected areas, which is claimed
              problems that come together in the   and Quality of Life; 4) Knowledge   for the sustainability of the territory from
              urban context. In this sense, the general   Management; 5) Risk Management   the PNGIBSE. For its implementation, a
              objective of this research was to develop   and  6)  Co-responsibility  and  Global   toolbox is included, which will promote
              a proposal for articulation between the   Commitments. Additionally, elements   the articulation of instruments for the
              instruments  for  the  management  of   of analysis provided by Ostrom (1995), in   management of urban protected areas.
              urban protected areas (APU), from the   his work “A Grammar of Institutions” are

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