P. 71

climáticas y oceanográficas, cerca del   herramienta en ArcGIS Online, que per-  caracterizan por sus servicios ecosisté-
              76% del área total de mangle, se en-  mite visualizar las estadísticas de las   micos de aprovechamiento y culturales,
              cuentra en estado muy vulnerable; un   capas alfanuméricas y cualitativas, con   importantes para la economía y la segu-
              0,4%, en vulnerabilidad media y un 23%   gráficos dinámicos, siendo más intuitivo   ridad alimentaria de la región; así como
              puede soportar los efectos del cambio   con el usuario. En conclusión, se identifi-  por sus servicios de regulación, que pro-
              climático, mientras que en el ecosistema   caron las zonas y especies vulnerables al   veen de resiliencia ante los fenómenos
              coralino, se determinó que las especies   cambio climático de los ecosistemas ma-  naturales, lo que facilita el planeamiento
              de coral Porites colonensis, Montastraea   rino costeros, presentes en el siguiente   territorial, en pro de la conservación de
              cavernosa, Siderastrea siderea, Carijoa   link:  estos ecosistemas.
              riisei y Eunicea mammosa, se encuen-  folders/1eknQYS94pv7DKDy7RkLK3o-
              tran en peligro; además, se elaboró una   3TqU6g5Ofs?usp=sharing, las cuales, se


                  limate change affects coastal   processing methods with interpolation   23% can tolerate the effects of climate
                  ecosystems, which are important   tools as kriging, reclassify and mapping   change. While in coral ecosystems was
              Cfor the economy and disaster risk   algebra, using ArcGIS Desktop to fina-  identified that the coral species Pori-
              management owing to the changes in   lly obtain a vulnerability map for each   tes colonensis, Montastraea cavernosa,
              the necessary environmental conditions   ecosystem (Andrade & Moreano, 2013).   Siderastrea siderea, Carijoa riisei and
              for their survival (United States Envi-  In the case of mangroves was conside-  Eunicea mammosa, are in danger; in ad-
              ronmental Protection Agency, 2017),   red its closeness to water bodies accor-  dition, an ArcGIS Online tool, that allows
              Necoclí has vulnerability to these phe-  ding to the sediment richness that rivers   people to visualize the alphanumeric
              nomena due to its environmental uns   provide, in the same way as the slopes   and qualitative layers statistics with
              social characteristics according to Cor-  and land covers where they can esta-  dynamic graphics, being more intuitive
              pourabá (2017). Through this project,   blish in response to sea level rise throu-  with the user, was made. In conclusion,
              were identified vulnerable zones to   gh euclidean distance and slope tools   the zones and species vulnerable to
              this phenomena in marine and coastal   (Gilman, Ellison, Duke & Field, 2008).   climate change in marine and coastal
              ecosystems, with emphasis in mangro-  For the evaluation of coral reefs were   ecosystems were identified in the fo-
              ves and coral reefs, by means of the   considered the optimum conditions of   llowing link:
              evaluation of determining factors of   deepness, water temperature and sa-  drive/folders/1eknQYS94pv7DKDy7R-
              ecosystems susceptibility and the crea-  linity for the representative species in   kLK3o3TqU6g5Ofs?usp=sharing which
              tion of spatial tools that make it easier   the study area, as stated by the Ocean   are characterized by their ecosystem
              to interpret results. It was realized with   Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)   services of exploitation and culture, with
              satellite, cartographic, and monitoring   (2019), and bathymetric curves extrac-  importance for the economy and food
              information, with the objective of get-  ted of Instituto de Investigaciones Ma-  safety; and their regulation services
              ting climatic, oceanographic and mor-  rinas y Costeras (2016). Thanks to that,   that provide resilience against natural
              phological averages, as the predictions   it was determined that, due to projected   phenomena, what facilitates territorial
              for 2070-2080 in the average scenarios   changes in climatic and oceanographic   planning taking into account the con-
              RCP 4.5 and 8.5 (World Climate Research   variables, about 76% of the mangrove   servation of these ecosystems.
              Programme, 2020), which were submit-  total area is found in a too vulnerable
              ted to geostatistical and spatial analysis   state, 0,4% has middle vulnerability and

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