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ecosistémicos, específicamente, información útil, en concordancia con se recomienda complementar la
la regulación hídrica y el control procesos de desarrollo sostenible y presente priorización con actores
de la erosión. Aproximadamente, gestión de ecosistemas en Colombia. relevantes, en un trabajo holístico, en
300ha fueron identificadas como Los resultados locales son de interés términos de la planeación rural, en
áreas prioritarias para restauración, en el marco de políticas globales, como cercanías de la zona protegida, para
distribuidas en 15 predios, localizados en el Desafío de Bonn, Metas Aichi de la la protección de la biodiversidad y los
cercanías a bosques remanentes. Este Convención de Diversidad Biológica servicios ecosistémicos, que aseguran
estudio contribuye a la comprensión y la declaración de la Década para el bienestar humano.
de la dinámica espacio-temporal en la la Restauración de los Ecosistemas
zona en una escala detallada, al generar 2021-2030 de la ONU; sin embargo,
rioritizing areas to implement anthropogenic landscape converted erosion control. Approximately 300
landscape restoration is a to agricultural activities. Visual hectares of priority areas for restoration
Pgrowing need and involves interpretation of aerial photographs were identified in 15 targeted properties
addressing multiple challenges to (<1-meter spatial resolution) and located close to the remaining forest
ensure that limited financial resources remote sensing techniques were used area. This study contributes to the
are allocated in a cost-effective manner for supervised and manual classification understanding of the spatio-temporal
to the appropriate sites. Mapping these of satellite images (3m spatial dynamics in the area and generates
areas requires analysis of ecosystems resolution) acquired from Planetscope. useful information according to the
affected by a wide range of stressors, The information was integrated with processes of sustainable development
with complex and poorly understood spatial and field data available in the and ecosystem management in
interactions. The application of region to produce land cover maps for Colombia. These local-scale results are
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) the years 2010 and 2020, based on the also of interest in the framework of global
techniques can be an effective resource Corine Land Cover methodology adapted policies such as the Bonn Challenge,
for analyzing landscape structure and for Colombia. A set of spatial indicators the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and the
dynamics, and can allow the integration of gain/loss, landscape metrics, United Nations Decade for Ecosystem
of the complex relationships between socioeconomic spatial information, Restoration 2021-2030. However,
physical, biological, and anthropogenic and environmental determinants were the final sites should be selected in
processes. GIS facilitates data collection considered to identify potential areas further work taking into account key
and the development of a comprehensive for landscape restoration by applying a stakeholders and additional criteria, as
analysis of natural resources to cost- Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). part of a holistic framework towards
effectively plan the allocation of funds A correlation between fine-scale spatial rural planning around the protected area
for restoration. The aim of this research variables was observed using GIS that along with the protection of biodiversity
was to implement a methodology to allowed prioritization of the appropriate and ecosystem services that will ensure
select landscape restoration areas at sites for implementing landscape human well-being.
a scale of 1:10,000 in a buffer area of restoration measures. The areas
a protected zone (DMI-SPBANMA) for represent opportunities to enhance or
the provision of ecosystem services in maintain multiple ecosystem services,
Belmira, Antioquia, a predominantly particularly water regulation and soil