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500g/L,  difeconazol 250g/L,  cloruro   con principio activo difeconazol 250g/L
              de  benzalconio amonio cuaternario   fueron los más efectivos, teniendo
              200g/L y metiram  700g/kg, diluidos   una acción fungistática, donde a
              a concentraciones 50% por encima   bajas concentraciones (50% menos
              y por debajo de las recomendadas   de  la  concentración  recomendada)
              por el fabricante, en placas de PDA,   inhibieron  el  crecimiento  de  estos
              con pozos previamente perforados,   hongos fitopatógenos, hasta un 62,5%,
              agregando 80µL de cada tratamiento   en promedio, en comparación con altas
              y del testigo (agua destilada estéril); el   concentraciones (50% más de las
              microorganismo, se inoculó en el medio   concentraciones), en donde inhibieron
              céntricamente y se incubó durante 7-15   hasta un 65,0%, en promedio.
              días, a 28°C (Bartlewicz et al. 2016).
              Los géneros fúngicos identificados
              correspondieron a Alternaria alternata,
              con  un  porcentaje  de  identificación
              del 99,5% y Epicoccum sp., con un
              porcentaje de identificación del
              99,0%. Las pruebas de susceptibilidad
              permitieron identificar que los pesticidas


                   ood practices used in agriculture,   is the presence of phytopathogens that   agricultural systems and ecosystems
                   livestock, forestry, and fisheries   affect organs and even the entire fruit   (from Puerto Rodríguez et al. 2014).
              Gare more efficient when developed   in all its phenological stages, causing   The objective of this research was
              comprehensively, helping to improve   the reduction in crop yields, the   to evaluate the susceptibility of
              food security, increase incomes for rural   deterioration of product quality and the   phytopathogenic fungi to commercial
              people and reduce poverty (FAO, 2016).   availability of food and raw materials, for   fungicides. Sampling was carried out
              Fruit farming as an agricultural activity   this reason, studies are required to allow   in production-producing apple, peach,
              of great importance to the economy   their prevention and effective control   plum, and pear crops, where samples of
              both nationally and internationally   (Miranda  et al. 2013), implementing   rhizospheric soil, roots, basal and middle
              (Lasprilla, 2011), is characterized by the   strategies such as the use of pesticides   stems, apical branches, and leaves were
              production of deciduous crops such as   of biological and chemical origin, which   collected. Serial dilutions up to 10-5 were
              plum, peach, apple, and pear, whose   do  not  cause  risks,  as  most  do,  for   made with rhizospheric soil. Vegetable
              biggest limiting factor for its production   farmers ensuring the sustainability of   segments previously disinfected with

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