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5% commercial hypochlorite and   benzalconium chloride quaternary   Epicoccum sp. with an identification
              70% ethanol, were cultivated in PDA   ammonium 200g/L and metiram 700   percentage of 99.0%. Susceptibility
              Agar for 7-15 days at 28°C, purified by   g/kg, diluted at concentrations 50%   tests identified that pesticides with
              microculture and monosporic culture,   above and below those recommended   the active substance Difeconazole
              and molecularly identified by PCR   by the manufacturer, in PDA plates,   250g/L  were  the  most  effective,
              using STI NDAs feeders, both STI1 F   with pre-drilled wells, adding 80µL of   having a fungistatic action, where at
              and STI4 R (Abata, 2017; Guarín Torres   each treatment and the witness (sterile   low concentrations (50% less than the
              et al. 2019; Umesha  et al. 2016).   distilled water), the microorganism   recommended concentration) inhibited
              The agar diffusion methodology for   was centrally inoculated in the   the growth of these phytopathogenic
              susceptibility testing using pesticides   medium and incubated for 7-15 days   fungi up to 62.5% on average, compared
              with active substance was carried out:   at 28°C (Bartlewicz et al. 2016). The   to high concentrations (50% more
              validamicin 30g/L, Iodine 132.0g/L,   identified fungal genera corresponded   concentrations) where they inhibited
              methyl-2-benzimidazole carbamate   to Alternaria alternata with an   up to 65.0%, on average.
              500g/L, difeconazole 250g/L,    identification percentage of 99.5% and


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