P. 246

flooding potential/waterlogging was   corresponding to the NTFI, integrated in   is an urban growth trend advancing
              analyzed as a limiting or conditioning   a GIS. The results obtained from the NTFI   on sectors identified with very high
              factor to the intervention of civil works.   calculation establish that a large part of   to moderate fragility. In addition, the
              These indicators were integrated to   the area of the district presents a high   plots observed would indicate potential
              obtain a Natural Territorial Fragility   natural fragility. In the center, W and E-SE   change  in  land  use  in  critical  areas
              Index (NTFI), through the development   of the territory, as well as in the sector   with natural fragility. To minimize
              of a parametric methodology that   closest to the rioplatense riverbank,   environmental impacts and potential
              incorporates the natural dimension and   the NTFI presents very high to medium   social conflicts, it is recommended to
              attempts to quantify and incorporate   values mainly associated with relatively   analyze the intermediate indicators and
              environmental phenomena in this land   low, flat and depressed environments.   the final index as tools to contribute to
              planning process. Thematic maps of   Urban areas are developed in this   the urban expansion planning and land
              intermediate indicators and indexes   location, which requires the proposal of   use decision making processes.
              were generated, as well as a final map   different development strategies. There

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