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indicadores e índices intermedios, así parcelamientos que estarían indicando
como un mapa final correspondiente potencial cambio del uso del suelo en
al IFNT. Los resultados obtenidos del áreas críticas respecto de la fragilidad
cálculo del IFNT establecen que gran natural. Se recomienda analizar la
parte de la superficie del partido información generada a partir de los
presenta una fragilidad natural, con índices e indicadores, con la finalidad
valores entre muy altos y medios, de orientar la toma de decisiones sobre
asociados, principalmente, a ambientes la expansión urbana en este territorio,
relativamente bajos, planos y deprimidos en particular y del uso del suelo, en
del centro, O y E-SE del territorio; así general, de modo de minimizar conflictos
como al sector más próximo a la ribera socioterritoriales futuros.
rioplatense, donde se asientan áreas
urbanas, lo cual, requiere el planteo de
estrategias de desarrollo acordes a esto.
Se observa tendencia de crecimiento
urbano avanzando sobre sectores
identificados con fragilidad, entre muy
alta y moderada. Asimismo, se observan
his paper presents the use of determines strong conditioning factors made following these selection criteria:
environmental indicators and for land use. In this paper, the application natural vulnerability, patrimonial
Tindexes developed ad hoc to of environmental indicators and indexes value and natural conditioning to
contribute as decision-making tools developed ad hoc is presented in order constructive interventions. Natural
regarding the sustainable land use to assist in the sustainable land use vulnerability was analyzed based on
planning in a coastal area located in the planning of the territory. Based on the three indicators: vegetation, biodiversity
northeastern province of Buenos Aires, evaluation of review data and field and ecosystem services. The vegetation
Argentina. The study area is located in surveys, a diagnosis of the area was indicators were based on the structural
the sector of the coastal plain of the made. This allowed us to identify, select complex of vegetation, conservation
Río de la Plata corresponding to the and develop structural and functional state, limiting ecological factors,
Ensenada district. This area of high indicators that made it possible to and water quality (both surface and
biodiversity value and ecosystem characterize the natural environment groundwater). The biodiversity value
services is exposed to frequent flood regarding its fragility in front of anthropic and the ecosystem services were
events and waterlogged soils, which interventions. These indicators were evaluated as heritage value; and the