P. 281

reconditioned (readers, discs, plates,   what was planned did not happen, the   workplace. And also another important
              connectors) and those that they must be   plant plans to process, in a first stage,   contribution, at the community level,
              destined for differentiated final disposal   24 tons / year of disused computer   is that reconditioned devices return to
              (cells and batteries); b) Refurbished: it   equipment, which will prevent 1.7% of   the community in the form of donations
              revalues   disused computer equipment to   waste generated in the city from ending   or entering the second-hand market
              extend its useful life and reinsert it into   up in the sanitary landfill. This means   for those who cannot access new
              the market. These stages vary according   that approximately 4 tons of ferrous   equipment.
              to the device to be reconditioned but   scrap, 0.6 tons of plastics, 0.6 tons of
              they all share testing. In the case of CPU,   aluminum scrap and 0.5 tons of copper
              the operating system and applications   cables will be recovered annually. In
              are installed. At the end of the process,   addition, the incorrect disposal of 39kg
              the following are obtained: Repaired   of batteries per year that are referred
              and reconditioned computer equipment   to other entities for their correct
              that extended its useful life and works   treatment  will  be  avoided.  Another
              correctly; Recyclable materials that can   issue to highlight is the contribution to
              be marketed (ferrous metals, plastics,   the generation of green employment
              glasses, electronic boards, copper   by summoning young people from
              cables) and batteries that are withdrawn   deprived neighborhoods who do not
              and sent to a suitable final disposal.   have a job or training in trades, so
              Although the pandemic has meant that   that they can be trained and enter the


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