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actividad de fijar nitrógeno y solubilizar la prueba de semillero, se determinó
fósforo, a través de los tratamientos de que una intervención en las etapas
bioaumentación y atenuación natural, primarias posincendio no es viable,
contrastando con las respectivas debido al comportamiento impredecible
pruebas controles, en las que se de los microorganismos e interacciones
midieron parámetros de humedad, mutualistas inestables; además, el
materia orgánica, longitud y biomasa en ecosistema está en capacidad de
peso seco. Se determinó un aumento de recuperarse naturalmente (Solera et al.
la materia orgánica, una disminución de 2014).
pH en las zonas afectadas, una pérdida
de humedad, debido a la exposición
ambiental y a la presencia de cenizas
en el polígono, en el cual, las bacterias
fijadoras de nitrógeno mostraron un
comportamiento de supervivencia,
debido a la fertilización temporal de
las cenizas, que aumentan su actividad
metabólica; sin embargo, las bacterias
solubilizadores de fósforo sufrieron un
mayor impacto, por stress fisicoquímico,
derivado de las condiciones. A partir de
orest fires have become Ministry of Environment and Sustainable microorganisms. In February 2017, Cerro
recurrent events worldwide, Development (MADS); during 2015, Pan de Azúcar - Tenjo was the scene of
Fhaving important environmental 66,000 hectares of vegetation were a forest fire that consumed 30 hectares.
repercussions, and are related to lost in Colombia, a figure that increased Taking into account that the effects
different natural circumstances such as in 2016 reaching 178,597 hectares lost. vary depending on the area and type of
climatic conditions or seasonal changes Despite the fact that forest fires are a conflagration. With a view to planning a
and anthropogenic actions, affecting natural function of maintenance and biological alternative for recovery, the
ecosystems at different levels (Groot et stability processes in ecosystems, their effect of this fire on soil properties was
al. 2013). In Colombia, it is estimated that effects on various variables represent evaluated in order to search for native
20 hectares of natural forest are lost a high environmental and economic microorganisms with the potential to
per hour due to some natural event or cost. These changes occur mainly in recover the resource. (Pardo, 2017)
anthropogenic actions. According to the soil structure, organic matter, pH and Initially, sampling was carried out in