P. 284

two polygons of the affected area and   dry weight were measured. An increase
              as controls, samples were taken in the   in organic matter, a decrease in pH in
              unaffected area, one with vegetation   the affected areas, a loss of moisture
              and the other without vegetation;   due to environmental exposure and
              subsequently, the analysis of the   the presence of ashes in the polygon in
              physicochemical and microbiological   which nitrogen-fixing bacteria showed a
              properties of the samples was carried   survival behavior due to the temporary
              out, evaluating changes in bulk density,   fertilization of ashes that increase their
              moisture, organic matter, pH and   metabolic activity, however phosphorus
              evaluation of microbial populations such   solubilizing bacteria suffered a greater
              as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphorus   impact due to physicochemical stress
              solubilizers, total heterotrophs and fungi   derived from the conditions. From
              and yeasts (Ana Magán, 2000). Finally, a   the seedbed test it was determined
              seedbed test was applied on a laboratory   that an intervention in the primary
              scale with the objective of evaluating   post-fire stages is not feasible, due
              the recovery potential of the selected   to the unpredictable behavior of
              bacteria in complying with the nitrogen   the microorganisms and unstable
              fixing and phosphorus solubilizing   mutualistic interactions, besides the
              activities through the bioaugmentation   ecosystem is capable of recovering
              and  natural  attenuation  treatments,   naturally (Solera et al. 2014).
              contrasting with the respective control
              tests, in which parameters of moisture,
              organic matter, length and biomass in


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                 la recuperación de heterótrofos   y los Incendios Forestales.   en las propiedades edáficas.
                 edáficos en la ecoregión cafetera   Obtenido de USDA: https://www.  Wall, A.E. (2004). Utilización de
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