P. 79

SUMMARY                                                         REFERENCIAS

                   he Barcelona campus  of the   by tensors were also classified and   Dunning, J.B.; Danielson,  B.J.; Pulliam,
                   Universidad de los Llanos is a   delimited due to the reduction of   H.R. (1992). Ecological processes
              T43-hectare suburban place,     biological interactions. These sites   that affect populations in complex
              whose headquarters requires planning   were called “hot spots” and “semi-hot   landscapes. Oikos, 169-175.
              its order and the environmental   spots.” 71 species of the taxa evaluated   Myers, N.; Mittermeier, R.A.; Mittermeier,
              management of its academic      were observed in that rainy season.   C.G.; Da Fonseca, G.A.; Kent, J. (2000).
              infrastructure. Identifying biodiversity   The taxon with the highest richness   Biodiversity hotspots for conservation
              on campus, allows to know and   was reptiles, followed by amphibians   priorities. Nature, 403(6772): 853-
              inventory the species of fauna and   and flightless mammals, with 31, 25   858.
              flora, their state of conservation and   and 19 species respectively. The map   Quinhoes, R.C. (2010). Planificación
              define areas of convergence in order to   yielded three hot spots and three semi-  del desarrollo territorial: algunas
              give greater support to the decisions   hot spots, all associated with bodies of   precisiones. Espacio y Desarrollo, (22),
              of implantation of new educational   water and conserved green areas. The   77-102.
              infrastructure and mitigate the impact   hot spots showed 86 - 100% of the   Rangel-Ch, J.O. (2015). La biodiversidad de
              on the communities. biological. During   relative abundance of individuals of the   Colombia: significado y distribución
              the months of September to November,   species found while the semi-hot ones   regional. Revista de la Academia
              10 tours of the campus, five during   showed values of 51 to 85%. These data   Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas,
              the day and five at night, were carried   show the incidence, abundance and   Físicas y Naturales, 39(151), 176-200.
              out with methodologies for direct   distribution of the species on campus.   Thompson, I. (2011). Biodiversidad,
              observation of species, manual capture   The University is recommended to   umbrales ecosistémicos, resiliencia
              and  free  search  without  restriction.   exclude these areas of convergence   y degradación forestal. MEDIR LA
              Previously, a bibliographic review of   in its infrastructure implementation   DEGRADACION, 62(2): 25.
              georeferencing of the species was   plan. Likewise, it must re-vegetate the
              carried out within the campus. The   identified biological corridors in order
              information obtained was tabulated in   to maintain the flow of the species that
              a matrix in Excel. Each taxon was filtered   interact in the Barcelona headquarters.
              for the abundance of each species. The
              most abundant species was assigned 4
              coordinates while the least abundant
              was assigned 2 coordinates,  this  in
              order to avoid saturation of individuals
              (points) in a heat map with the ArcGIS-
              PRO program, V2.01. As a result, the
              heat map evidenced the distribution of
              the species of amphibians, reptiles, and
              flightless mammals present on campus.
              The research made it possible to identify
              and characterize the sites with the
              greatest abundance of fauna records.
              The areas of preference or restriction

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