P. 77
etlands are among the most to survive in urban environments and Rosselli, L.; Castro, F. (2019).
productive and threatened improve territorial planning focused on Movimientos, uso de hábitat,
Wecosystems on the planet sustainable development. cría y crecimiento de Porphyriops
and in Colombia. The endemic and melanops bogotensis, subespecie
threatened subspecies Porphyriops amenazada, en el norte la
wetlands of Endemic Bird Area in the REFERENCIAS Sabana de Bogotá. Proyecto de
melanops inhabits the degraded
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country’s eastern Andes. P. melanops is Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales
affected by urbanization although the Cadena, C.D. (2002). Gallinula – Parque Jaime Duque, Bogotá.
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seeks to evaluate the offer, use and Kattan, G., López-Lanús, B. (Eds.), Factors are Important for the
preference of the population’s habitat Libro rojo de aves de Colombia. Conservation of Endangered
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areas. Through high-resolution aerial Recursos Biológicos Alexander Benítez-Castañeda, H.D. (2016).
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individuals using manual radiotelemetry, del Medio Ambiente, Bogotá, 174 en Renjifo, L.M., Amaya-
it is sought to evaluate the detailed use Colombia, pp. 173-177. Villarreal, A.M., Burbano-Girón,
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geospatial tools. The results show that Wesley Longman, Inc., California. Vol. II: Ecosistemas abiertos,
the most used habitats are ornamental Rosselli, L. (2011). Factores secos, insulares, acuáticos
lakes (65%) in the recreational area, ambientales relacionados con continentales, marinos, tierras
artificial ponds (35%) in the restoration la presencia y abundancia de altas del Darién y Sierra Nevada de
area and canals in the surrounding algunas especies de aves de Santa Marta y bosques húmedos
areas. Other frequently used habitats los humedales de la Sabana de del centro, norte y oriente del
are flooded grasslands and grass. They Bogotá. Unpublished Doctoral país. Ed. Pontificia Universidad
use canals and ditches to move around, Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Javeriana e Instituto Alexander
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predominates. This study allows Bogotá. Informe final. Asociación suburbano en Bogotá, Colombia.
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