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áreas con gran variabilidad ambiental,   exceso de N depositado y la factibilidad
              como lo es Argentina, dada su extensión,   de aplicación del indicador. El uso de
              donde  los  procesos  de  degradación   FCs dependientes del sitio permite
              son diversos. El indicador requiere   prescindir de los foráneos. Este aporte
              valores de emisión, deposición y carga   generará un avance en los estudios de
              crítica regionales, para poder calcular   riesgos ambientales y contribuye a la
              factores de caracterización (FCs).   sustentabilidad regional.
              Hasta el momento, se ha avanzado en
              la recolección de datos de emisiones
              de compuestos nitrogenados y se ha
              efectuado una aproximación a valores
              de deposición. Se prevé continuar
              con la definición y el cálculo de la
              superación de la carga crítica del área
              de interés, es decir, con la información
              sobre la sensibilidad de los ecosistemas
              terrestres expuestos para evaluar el


                   rowth based on productive   and phosphorus nutrients in exposed   ecosystems. Methodologically, the
                   expansion, characterized by   aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.   environmental mechanism of terrestrial
              Gintensive levels of production   In Argentina there are changes in the   eutrophication was identified, following
              and extraction, has had environmental   use and management of soils and   the guidelines of IRAM-ISO 14044
              consequences, generating pressures   the disappearance of natural species   (2008). A comprehensive national and
              on soil, water and natural vegetation   due to the advance of the agricultural   international literature review was then
              resources (Subsecretaría de Planificación   frontier, among other aspects, but little   conducted for the selection of a midpoint
              Territorial de la Inversión Pública, 2013).   development of eutrophication has been   environmental category indicator
              Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)   reported in areas with environmental   based on current practices and existing
              focuses on connecting emissions from   significance within the Life Cycle   LCIA models. Finally, an approach was
              anthropogenic sources with the impacts   approach. The objective of this work   made to the feasibility of applying
              of an environmental category (Payen et   is to identify and select the midpoint   this indicator in the region, according
              al., 2019), such as eutrophication, which   indicator that best represents this   to its own bioclimatic characteristics,
              is a consequence of excess nitrogen (N)   category of impact on regional terrestrial   taking into account that emissions of

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