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análisis específico de algunas empresas   ambientales de cada una, las acciones
              del sector alimentario, para detectar los   que se han llevado a cabo en cuestión
              riesgos y oportunidades que pueden   ambiental y su interrelación con los
              enfrentar empresas vinculadas a   ODS, concluyendo que, actualmente,
              su cadena de suministro, además de   la preocupación de las empresas por el
              otras partes interesadas, tales como   cuidado ambiental es un hecho que ha
              las autoridades gubernamentales o la   puesto en marcha acciones concretas
              sociedad civil; a través de la revisión   para el logro de la sostenibilidad.
              documental de aspectos, como el
              presente de cada empresa (tipo y
              antigüedad), los escenarios de cada
              una con base a las metas ambientales,
              las variables sobre las cuales actúan
              (estrategias que desarrollan en el sector
              ambiental) y los actores vinculados
              al logro de sus estrategias. Como
              resultado, se integró una matriz de
              políticas empresariales ambientales de
              industrias internacionales de alimentos,
              que permite identificar las metas


                   he Sustainable Development   well as to contribute to environmental   to Mezinska  and  Strode  (2015),
                   Goals (SDGs) established within   protection. For this reason, it is   industries are increasingly aware of the
              Tthe United Nations Summit on   imperative that they develop higher   environmental issue and direct actions
              Sustainable Development  of  2015,   quality strategies to remain within the   towards social and environmental
              currently represent the starting point   market and ensure their competitiveness   responsibility, however, even by 2015,
              for the development of strategies   (Manganiello, 2016). Within this sector,   many organizations around the world
              that lead to the economic, social and   companies have generated various   had difficulty in including within their
              environmental balance of society. and   practices that contribute to the   actions to the actors immersed in their
              within the organizations, although as   achievement of sustainability, such as   supply chains, ranging from suppliers,
              the United Nations (2020) points out,   “obtaining food ingredients produced   contractors, clients and other interested
              the results have  been insufficient.   by the best practices, reducing the loss   parties such as governments or civil
              This research analyzes the case of the   of food in the processing line and the   society. For this reason, the research
              food industry, whose current directive   implementation of new technologies”   aims to analyze the vision and actions of
              is to guarantee the safety of food, as   (Woodhouse,  2018).  According   the food industry on the environmental

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