P. 165

issue at an international level through   review of aspects such as: the present
              the documentary review of scientific   of each company (type and age); the
              articles, as well as the identification   scenarios of each one based on the
              of environmental policies and goals   environmental goals; the variables on
              that guide the strategies and actions   which they act (strategies they develop
              aimed at sustainability, to identify   in the environmental sector); and the
              the relationship they have with the   actors  linked  to  the  achievement  of
              SDGs and current environmental   their strategies. As a result, a matrix
              requirements to achieve it. The work   of environmental business policies
              was carried out under the methodology   of international food industries was
              of compared scenarios, taken from   integrated, which allows identifying
              the contributions of Yori et al. (2011),   the environmental goals of each one,
              and adapted to the subject of study. A   the actions that have been carried out
              specific analysis of some companies in   in environmental matters and their
              the food sector is shown to detect the   interrelation with the SDGs, concluding
              risks and opportunities that companies   that currently the concern of companies
              linked to their supply chain may face,   for environmental care is a fact that has
              as well as other interested parties,   launched concrete actions to achieve
              such as government authorities or   sustainability.
              civil society. Through the documentary


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