P. 81
SUMMARY of wild fauna urges that, for tourist protegidas de Colombia: una revisión
de impactos ambientales con énfasis
practices, environmental management
measures be implemented in favor of en las normas de sostenibilidad
he tourist activity developed protection and preservation. Regarding ambiental, pp15. Recuperado de:
under sustainability parameters to the environmental assessment,
Tmanages to become a strategy 53.25% of the impacts assessed downloads/Lunazul46_16.pdf
to conserve natural areas. Currently, in are negative, with an irrelevant to Chávez, C. Sandra. (2015). Oferta y
the Quebrada Honda, caños Parrado moderate category. In addition, the demanda turística potencial para
and Buque Protective Forest Reserve of results of the effective load capacity el desarrollo del ecoturismo en la
the municipality of Villavicencio, tourist for the two sections analyzed, serve as provincia de Trujillo. (Tesis de grado
activities such as hiking, bird watching, a management tool to support making profesional). Universidad Nacional de
camping, among others, are developed. operational, technical and investigative Trujillo. Trujillo, Perú.
This reserve has an Environmental decisions in the reserve area. Corporación para el Desarrollo Sosteni-
Management Plan, however, it ble del Área Manejo Especial la Ma-
presents evident gaps in relation to the carena, Cormacarena. (2014). Áreas
and there are no specific parameters REFERENCIAS protegidas del departamento del
development of sustainable tourism
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