P. 128
Network, RCFA; the Thematic Network the RCFA belongs; the Alliance of is concluded that some networks are
of Environmental Education, RTEA and University Networks for Sustainability durable in time thanks to their forms of
RCE Bogotá; the Thematic Network and the Environment, ARIUSA, to which organization and in others their duration
of Integral Management of Water the RAUS and the RCFA belong, was has been limited to the fulfillment of
Resources, RTGIRH; the Environmental also identified; the Regional Center specific objectives. The networks
Network of Sustainable Universities; for Experiences in Education for are energized through different
RAUS; the National Network of Young Sustainable Development Network, participation and communication
People for the Environment, RNJA and RCE Global, a network led by the United strategies such as: periodic meetings,
the University Union of Sustainable Nations University in Japan to which the training processes, academic meetings
Production and Consumption, UU-PyCS. RTEA and RCE Bogotá belong and the for the socialization of experiences,
The international academic networks Network of Sustainability Indicators for development of workshops, courses
identified with the support of the actors Universities, RISU. Likewise, networks and diplomas to strengthen capacities
that have ties in Colombian networks that contribute to said processes in environmental and sustainability
were four: the Environmental Training were identified, although they do not issues and the financing of its processes
Network for Latin America and the specifically focus on academia as in vary between networks that have
Caribbean, RFA-LAC of UNEP to which the case of the Global Act Network. It membership and others that combine.
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