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Ambiente, ARIUSA, a la que pertenecen reuniones periódicas, procesos de
la RAUS y la RCFA; la Red Centro Regional capacitación, encuentros académicos
de Experiencias en Educación para el para la socialización de experiencias,
Desarrollo Sustentable, RCE Global, desarrollo de talleres, cursos y
una red liderada por la Universidad de diplomados.
Naciones Unidas en Japón, a la cual,
pertenece la RTEA y RCE Bogotá y la Red
de Indicadores de Sostenibilidad para
las Universidades, RISU. Igualmente,
se identificaron redes que aportan a
dichos procesos, aunque no se enfocan
específicamente a la academia, como el
caso de la Red Acto Global. Se concluye,
que algunas redes son duraderas en
el tiempo, gracias a sus formas de
organización y, en otras, su duración se
ha limitado al cumplimiento de objetivos
específicos. Las redes se dinamizan, a
través de diferentes estrategias de
participación y de comunicación, como
his presentation is part of a work between academia and public of multiple knowledge, the relationship
research project of the UAS and private sector organizations brings with multisectoral organizations for a
Tteam, entitled “Sustainable multiple benefits to stakeholders. The holistic understanding of the problems
Universities”. The objective of this work independent work of the HEIs implies of the context. For the present work,
is to analyze how some of the university great efforts for the actors who direct the information is collected through
networks that have existed in Colombia the process, while the dynamism that interviews with the coordinators of
have contributed to the inclusion of the the networking provides reduces the networks, as well as through
environmental dimension in the country. unnecessary efforts and improves the the review of secondary information
Said analysis becomes an opportunity to results of the team. In particular, the through their web pages. As a result,
enhance the work of Higher Education networks are of great value, in the 7 national networks are identified,
Institutions -IES, as well as to catapult environment and sustainability issues and from 6 of them the information
the impact of the networks according due to their interdisciplinary, inter- is expanded. The networks described
to their specific purposes. This leads institutional and transversal approach, throughout this work are: the
to the recognition that collaborative which will always imply the integration Colombian Environmental Training