P. 98

era rugosa, con deterioro de bordes,   Corynebacterium spp., en el 18%;
              contaminación con tinta y elementos   Listeria spp., en el 18% y Streptococcus
              extraños; la humedad esta entre   spp.,  en el  18%. Escherichia  coli,
              0,04 y 0,1%, el pH entre 5,4 y 6,4 y   Klesiella spp., Shigella spp., Listeria
              la temperatura local 26°C, hacen una   spp. y Corynebacterium spp. estuvieron
              superficie apta para el crecimiento de   presentes en un porcentaje inferior al
              gran variedad de microorganismos. Se   14% de  los  billetes.  La probabilidad
              identificaron 21 géneros y 12 especies   de ocurrencia de enfermedades
              de bacterias, 3 géneros y 2 especies   nosocomiales, dérmicas y respiratorias
              de levaduras y 1 género y 5 especies   transmitidas por la manipulación de los
              de hongos filamentosos. Bacillus   billetes es alta, debido a la presencia
              subtilis estuvo presente en el 48%   de microorganismos potencialmente
              de los billetes; Staphylococcus spp.,   patógenos, en todos los billetes
              en el 30%; Staphylococcus aureus,   analizados.
              en el 24%; Bacillus cereus, en 22%;


                   ccording to Schaarschimidt   as counting bills with spittle, coughing,   probability of occurrence of diseases
                   (1884), the diagnosis of   sneezing In the hands and placing   transmitted by their manipulation. 50
              Ainfectious diseases could have   or storage on dirty surfaces lead to   banknotes obtained from the Bank of
              their origin in the media that allow   contamination of the banknotes and   the Republic of Bucaramanga section
              the transmission and expansion of   these  in  turn  act  as  a  medium  that   were analyzed. The Denominations
              pathogenic microorganisms resistant   facilitates the transmission of fungi and   studied were $2,000, $5,000, $10,000,
              to different antibiotics. Banknotes are   bacteria that contaminates the hands   $20,000 and $50,000 from two issuance
              one of the most potential microorganism   of one person to another (Sharma &   dates: 1995-2006 and those issued as
              transmission vehicles, due to their   Sumbali, 2014). For these reasons, a   of 2015. The process of counting and
              continuous  use  and  the  number  of   project was executed with the objective   identifying microorganisms was carried
              people who handle them, under a   of carrying out a study microbial in the   out by sowing in general, specific and
              variety of personal hygienic conditions   banknotes of different denominations   differential culture media for bacteria
              and environmental conditions (Aguilera,   and dates of issue that circulate in the   and fungi, API testing application
              Fretes & Medina, 2016). Actions such   city of Bucaramanga to determine the   and microscopy. Microorganisms

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