P. 93

Con relación a los principales cambios y   mencionan la pérdida de tenencia de la
              transformaciones del territorio-cuenca,   tierra, el desplazamiento de campesinos
              los estudiantes señalan el incremento   y lugareños y los conflictos por usos del
              de las urbanizaciones, como también,   agua y el suelo. Sin duda alguna, dichos
              que cada vez hay menos bosques y   hallazgos son fundamentales para la
              zonas verdes; los docentes y actores   construcción de procesos de Educación
              institucionales manifiestan como   Ambiental, los cuales, mediados desde
              preocupaciones sentidas, los cambios   las Ecologías Socio-Culturales, como
              en el uso del suelo, el incremento de   campo emergente  interdisciplinario,
              monocultivos, el crecimiento urbanístico   pueden contribuir a los análisis y
              y el desarrollo basado en el turismo. Como   reflexiones críticas de las situaciones
              principales conflictos socio-ambientales,   ambientales del contexto territorial.

                  ocio-Cultural Ecologies can be   and  techniques:  (i)  Documentary   occupation in the region. In relation to
                  understood as an interdisciplinary   Review and Analysis whose purpose is   the main changes and transformations
              Sacademic perspective that      an approach to the construction of the   of the territory-basin, the students
              considers  the  multiple  interactions   Environmental History of the territory-  point out the increase in urbanizations,
              between Society and Nature on different   basin; (ii) Questionnaire-type survey   as well as that there are fewer and fewer
              spatial and temporal scales (Barros,   with open questions, to inquire with   forests and green areas; Teachers and
              2013; López and Ospina 2008; López,   students and teachers as has been   institutional actors express as their
              2009). Therefore, they can contribute   the human occupation of the territory   concerns the changes in land use, the
              dialectically to a comprehensive   and the landscape transformations in   increase in monocultures, urban growth
              approach to how the dynamics of human   space-time and; (iii) Focus Group with   and development based on tourism. As
              occupation and transformations have   institutional actors, who, as a dialogue,   the main socio-environmental conflicts,
              occurred in a specific territory from a   inquired about human occupation and   they mention the loss of land tenure, the
              historical, political and socio-cultural   the transformations of the territory,   displacement of peasants and locals,
              perspective. This interdisciplinary   socio-environmental conflicts and the   and conflicts over the use of water and
              perspective can enrich Environmental   implications of the declaration of the   land. Undoubtedly, these findings are
              Education in an alternative and   Coffee Cultural Landscape. As significant   fundamental for the construction of
              complementary way. The  research   results,  an  analytical approach is   Environmental Education processes,
              is being carried out in the territorial   provided of the most relevant historical-  which mediated from Socio-
              context of the Quindío river basin in   environmental events in terms of the   Cultural Ecologies as  an emerging
              central western Colombia, with the   Society-Nature-Culture relations that   interdisciplinary field, can contribute
              participation of teachers and students   have developed in the territorial context   to the analysis and critical reflections
              from rural Educational Institutions and   of the Quindío river basin, considering   of the environmental situations of the
              institutional actors that make up the   long, medium and short time scales.   territorial context.
              CIDEA-Quindío Committee and the   duration. On the other hand, inquiries
              Group of Environmental Education of   about the territorial context reveal that
              the CRQ. The methodological approach   students, teachers and institutional
              is of a qualitative approach supported by   actors, in general, are unaware of
              the following data collection methods   the historical processes of human

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