P. 101

universidades, comunidades y    comunidades, al igual que favorecer
              residencias para mitigar emisiones   la preservación de especies animal y
              de dióxido de carbono. En el taller, los   vegetal. Con la realización de los talleres,
              participantes reciben las conferencias   se ha logrado implementar buenas
              de sensibilización en el tema de cambio   prácticas de Green It, en organizaciones
              climático, una aplicación software en su   y comunidades que, dependiendo del
              celular, que contiene una calculadora   público objetivo, se aplican de forma fácil,
              de huella de carbono alcance2, un test   rápida y permanente, fortaleciendo la
              de comprobación de conocimiento   cultura del cuidado del medio ambiente.
              con componente gamificado y un   Actualmente, se ha desarrollado el
              módulo  de  ranking,  para  motivar  su   taller  en empresas, comunidades y
              participación en un formato de juego   universidades de Colombia y México.
              serio. Se destaca que el empleo de una   Se está preparando la presentación
              técnica de gamificación en el software   del taller en entornos nacionales e
              del taller ha facilitado la interacción del   internacionales.
              participante, asimilando la información y,
              posteriormente, su divulgación en otras


                   he various changes that the   education based on Green It. The   practices. The elaboration of the digital
                   planet is presenting have   purpose of the article is to present   educational resource started from a
              Tbecome more noticeable in      a  digital  educational  resource  that   systematic mapping to know the existing
              recent years, especially those that are   facilitates the awareness and training   technological solutions to educate on
              directly related to the climate. These   of the population on environmental   the issue of climate change with special
              modern phenomena have prompted   awareness and its associated problems,   emphasis on energy efficiency and the
              most  nations  to  think  of  immediate   to work individually and collectively on   implementation of good practices to
              solutions to face the problems of climate   solutions that mitigate the generation   mitigate carbon dioxide emissions.
              change. Colombia’s commitments to   of greenhouse gas emissions produced   Subsequently, the educational resource
              adapt and cope with climate change,   by the energy consumption necessary   was designed considering the objectives
              as well as advances in technology,   for the operation of information and   of environmental education consigned in
              have encourage the authors to design   communication technologies, through   the Letter from Belgrade as well as the
              a digital resource for environmental   the application of good Green IT   actions of the Colombian Government

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