P. 104
he Science, Technology, of risks but also of opportunities and
Society and Environment challenges that humanity must face in Andrade, G. (2019). El buen
T(CTSA) approach constitutes a some way, since uncertainty about the Antropoceno. Bogotá. Recuperado
field with many possibilities for both future of the environment is a constant de:
investigative, pedagogical and didactic for action and human clarity about its watch?v=iPiJzQikL6Q
intervention, since moving towards incidence in the dynamics of terrestrial Maldonado, M. (2018). Antropoceno
the Anthropocene also requires a new systems. La política en la era humana
way of understanding and meaning the (Primera Ed). Bogotá: Penguin
world, nature itself and the essence of Random House Group Editorial,
its ecological transformations together S. A. S.
with the symbiotic relationship between Martínez, L.; Parga, D. (2013).
the natural and the social. Some Discurso ético y ambiental sobre
approaches are exposed around the cuestiones sociocientificas:
approach to the teaching of Natural Aportes para la formación del
Sciences in which the Anthropocene profesorado. Bogotá. Tomado de
is problematized and constituted
as a socio-scientific question. Such co/handle/20.500.12209/3433
approaches result from the intention Martínez P., L.F. (2014). Cuestiones
to promote, on the one hand, ways sociocientíficas en la formación
of approaching scientific education de profesores de ciencias: aportes
at secondary and higher education y desafíos. Tecné, Episteme y Di-
levels and, on the other, contribute daxis: TED, 1(36), 77–94. https://
to the formation of Anthropocene
societies. The Anthropocene is today 36ted77.94
one of the most debated discussions Steffen, W.; Grinevald, J.; Crutzen, P.;
both in the scientific communities Mcneill, J. (2011). The anthropo-
and in the specialized media or not cene: Conceptual and histori-
in the circulation and dissemination cal perspectives. Philosophical
of science, meanwhile it refers to Transactions of the Royal So-
a metaphor or notion of change, a ciety A: Mathematical, Physi-
possible transition from the Holocene cal and Engineering Sciences,
to the Anthropocene given the evidence 369(1938), 842–867. https://
of studies that suggest the explicit
naming of a new geological epoch,
evidence that includes data from the
stratigraphic record, bioaccumulation
by elements such as Mercury, Lead or
microplastics, extinction rates of species
not yet estimated, transformations in
the natural landscape due to anthropic
activities and a constant inference