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                   he present work is presented   activities were carried out to recognize
                   as a proposal for environmental   the importance of the conservation
              Teducation in non-formal spaces,   of ecosystems and the services that
              oriented to the knowledge and   birds provide. According to the applied
              conservation of the avifauna present   instruments, it is evident that the
              in wetland ecosystems. Colombia   pedagogical strategy contributed to
              has a great diversity of bird species,   the recognition of the morphological
              approximately  1909  of  which  are   and physiological characteristics of the
              endemic, both birds and wetlands   birds, in addition to the knowledge of
              impacts impacts of anthropic origin such   the habits and ecosystem services of the
              as the destruction of habitat due to the   wetlands and the associated avifauna.
              expansion of urban settlements and road   Finally, when analyzing the evaluation
              infrastructure. That said, the need to   results, it was possible to recognize that
              contribute to training in environmental   the activities implemented facilitated
              skills, values   and attitudes is evident   the environmental skills, values    and
              through strategies aimed at reflection   attitudes of the participants, promoting
              and citizen participation. This research   education for action  within  the
              has a mixed descriptive approach,   framework of environmental education.
              working with 30 girls and boys aged 5
              to 12 years, from the development of
              4 research phases ordered as follows:
              Diagnosis, Design, Implementation and
              Evaluation. A pedagogical strategy was
              built consisting of: 1) The “BirdBox” kit
              tool that used the interaction of families
              in a synchronous and asynchronous
              way with environmental concepts
              from activities such as workshops on
              the generalities of birds, knowing the
              importance of their beak, legs, feathers
              and edges; 2) Bird watching workshop,
              where the morphology and habits
              of these species were recognized, in
              addition to developing citizen science
              activities through the eBird platform; 3)
              Workshop of artistic experiences for the
              construction of different models of birds
              present in our territory and reflection
              on the environmental impacts that
              threaten biodiversity; 4) Festival called
              “The birds of your neighborhood” where

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