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SUMMARY                                                         REFERENCIAS

                   espite the advances related to the   of uterine cervical cancer represents   Alarcón M., A.M.; Vidal H., A.;
                   protection of ethnic and cultural   a challenge since Western pedagogy   Neira Rozas, J. (2003). Salud
             Ddiversity, indigenous people still   does not necessarily correspond to   intercultural:  elementos para
              suffer inequities, especially women,   the teaching-learning conceptions of   la construcción de sus bases
              which are the group of people who   indigenous women from the reservation.   conceptuales. Revista médica de
              have a higher risk, mainly due to the   Sexuality  in  indigenous women   Chile, 131(9), 1061-1065. https://
              low decision making towards sexual   corresponds to the private sphere, and it
              practices, lack of education, and gender   is not an issue that is easily approached.   98872003000900014
              conditions. This situation affects the   There are linguistic difficulties, each   Dietz, G. (2012). Multiculturalismo,
              development and sustainability of life,   ethnic group has its own language and   interculturalidad y diversidad en
              and it challenges the commitment of 4   the women of the reservation prefer   educación. Una aproximación
              sustainable development goals (3,4,5   them to Spanish. Indigenous leaders   antropológica. México: Fondo de
              & 10).Objective: Build an intercultural   become the facilitators of the process   Cultura Económica
              educational strategy, sustainable   that focuses more on the use of orality   Martínez Forero, T.Y.; Garzón Garzón,
              over time, which, with regard to the   and encounters between women   L.P.; Franky Calvo, C. (2019). Salud
              prevention  of  cervical  cancer,  will   who know each other. As a didactic   reproductiva femenina en el
              contribute to the empowerment and   strategy, women prefer the sharing of   sur de la Amazonia colombiana.
              conservation of the health of women   experiences, the use of booklets with   Anthropologica, 37(43), 203-226.
              from the paujil reservation in the   drawings and videos that represent
              Colombian Amazon.The initiative came   them. Conclusions There is difficulty in   anthropologica.201902.009
              from indigenous women who were   the joint construction of intercultural   Mato, D. (2008). Diversidad cultural
              concerned about improving the health   educational strategies. Language is   e interculturalidad en Educación
              of their peers in their shelters, who,   a  barrier.  The  group  of  teachers  has   Superior. Experiencias en América
              accompanied by a group of researchers   been confronted with their own beliefs   Latina. IESALC-UNESCO.
              from three universities, proposed the   about what interculturality means, since
              development of this project. Methods:   there is a marked exercise in imposing
              Research Participatory action carried out   Western pedagogy and didactics. It is
              in phases: a) Training as investigators   necessary to generate contexts that
              of indigenous women leaders; b) joint   really generate dialogue of knowledge
              development of instruments (semi-  between different people.
              structured interviews, informed consent,
              field diary); c) Joint fieldwork between
              women leaders and teachers to collect,
              analyze  and understand  information
              related to customs, meanings, education,
              resources in health, sexuality, and sexual
              and reproductive health; d) construction
              of the intercultural educational strategy
              in reproductive health. Results: the
              construction  of  an  intercultural
              educational strategy on the prevention

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