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                  xtension activities such as forms   and thus they can learn, understand,   de  educación  ambiental en  la
                  of dissemination, culture, training   appreciate, change habits and even   universidad Santiago de Cali en:
             Eor community intervention are   disseminate issues of the CA.      Olaya Garcerá, J. E.; Caro Ruiz,
              essential to promote a culture of care,                            F. A. y Rojas Muñoz, A. L. (eds.
              appropriation, understanding, change                               científicos). (2020). Proyección e
              of perception and habits within a                                  Innovación Social. Volumen II. Cali,
              the territory and with it, understand  REFERENCIAS                 Colombia: Editorial Universidad
              community. They are vital to recognize
                                                                                 Santiago de Cali. 192p.
              its relationship with the environment.                          Tress,  G.;  Tress,  B.;  Fry,  G.  (2004).
              Among the many activities that can be   Avendaño, W.R. (2012). La Educación   Clarifying integrative research
              carried out, there are strategies for the   Ambiental (EA) como herramienta   concepts in landscape ecology.
              social appropriation of knowledge where   de la Responsabilidad Social (RS).   Landscape Ecology (2004) 20:
              the dissemination of technological,   Revista Luna Azul (35), 94-115.  479-493.
              scientific and innovation knowledge   Barrio C. (2008). La apropiación
              are fundamental to impact the      social de la ciencia: nuevas
              socioeconomic development of a society.   formas. Revista Iberoamericana
              Environmental education as a strategy   de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad.
              for implementing pedagogical-cognitive   10(4): 213- 225.
              processes to generate appropriation of   Delgado, H.A. (2005). La educación
              an ecosystem environment and with it,   ambiental como herramienta
              promote change of habits; It is today one   social. Geoenseñanza, 10(1), 61-
              of the main activities to develop within   67.
              a community. For this reason, in the   Göransson, B., Maharajh, R.&
              university community of the Universidad   Schmoch, U. (2009). New
              Santiago de Cali (USC), extension   activities of universities in
              activities are promoted to generate   transfer and extension: multiple
              spaces for the exchange of knowledge   requirements and manifold
              within environmental sciences (CA) such   solutions. Science and public
              as the environmental week symposium   policy, 36(2), 157-164.
              (EWS). Every year, since 2016 and seven   Leff, E. 2006. Aventuras de la
              times, the EWS has been held, where   epistemología ambiental. Siglo
              national  (90)  and  international  (10)   XXI. México
              experts are invited to communicate   Peñafiel, M.;  Vallejo A. (2015).
              research,  projects,  experiences,   Educación Ambiental en las
              forums, workshops, courses, seminars,   universidades, retos y desafíos
              among others (108 activities); related   ambientales.  Revista  DELOS
              to some relevant environmental issue   Desarrollo Local Sostenible. 1-14.
              and current connotation for more than   Quijano S.; Guevara-Fletcher, C.; Vera,
              14 thousand people who are part of   O.; Bermúdez, I.; Cerón, V.; Panesso,
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              free participated in the programming   huella hídrica como una estrategia

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