P. 116
sually you heard that different of the main sources of technology
environmental policies promote consumption, as seen today. For this
Uthe use of more electronic reason, it is necessary to create an
devices and electronic formats in a way environmental awareness in this type
that ostensibly reduces the use of paper of higher training programs so that they
with the aim of conserving the planet go in the right direction and not in the
and its environment. If you take into direction that the advertising indicates,
account some metrics of degradation since what is being done is suffocating
of electronic devices, which have the planet with devices electronics
penetrated all spheres of society today, that will last for thousands of years.
and compare with the same metrics of What is required is to intervene in tree
paper, you can find a different reality replanting policies and establish controls
than the one proposed in the media so that they are fully complied with.
to protect the environment because it
is precisely the opposite. The training
of Systems Engineers is possibly one
Bachér, J.; Dams, Y.; Duhoux, T.; Deng, Komati; Felexkala. (2015). Electronic
Y.; Teittinen, T.; Mortensen, L.F. Waste Management.
(2020). Electronic products Román, I. (2015). eWaste en Colombia.
and obsolescence in a circular El aporte de los operadores
economy. European Topic Centre móviles en la reducción de la
Waste and Materials in a Green basura electrónica - Estudio de
Economy. Boeretang, Bélgica. caso. GSMA Latin America, 17p.
Brigden, K.; Labunska, I.; Santillo, D.; Sahu, K.K.; Agrawal, A. (2016).
Johnston, P. (2008). Chemical Processing of electronic waste
Contamination at E-Waste (E-waste). Disponible desde
Recycling and Disposal Sites in Internet en: http://eprints.
Accra and Korforidua, Ghana.
Technical Note10/2008. PDF
Greenpeace International,
AmsterdamThe Netherland.
Forti, V.; Baldé, C.P.; Kuehr, R.; Bel,
G. (2020). The Global E-waste
Monitor 2020. Disponible
desde Internet en: http://