P. 119

sample selected under intentional   through semi-structured interviews in
              sampling is made up of 37 students   which the activities carried out daily
              and 19 caregivers. Among the most   and the traditional knowledge about
              relevant results obtained to date of the   said practices were investigated. Based
              first  phase,  there  is  a  homogeneous   on this information, a proposal for a
              population of students between men   popular education work agenda is being
              and women (50% each), aged between   structured jointly with the educational
              12 and 18 years. The caretakers are   community in which this knowledge is
              mostly women (mothers, grandmothers,   shared, with the IED as a facilitator of
              aunts), who teach their daughters and   the necessary spaces to carry out the
              sons activities typical of the field (65%),   work sessions. The work carried out
              they consider it important for them to   has allowed the approach of students
              learn them (94%). They are families   and guardians through oral tradition in
              with an average of four members, who   the accounts of their experiences and
              live on their own (37%), family (26%),   feelings around their daily activities,
              and rented (21%) properties of less   necessary in the rural communities of
              than five hectares, which allows their   the country, for which the rescue of
              characterization as family farming. The   this knowledge also implies a rescue
              agrobiodiversity management practices   of their cultural identity that can be
              were systematized through digital   harmoniously integrated with rural
              cartography with videos made by the   education (van der Hammen, 2014).
              students together with their parents,


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