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                   here exist priority needs related   ADDIE methodology which allowed
                   to the capacity of identifying,   structuring  the  proposal  in  stages
              Tanalyzing and problem solving   corresponding to the investigative
              in a daily context. Education must be   experience. The analyzed population
              a dynamic exploration that integrates   corresponded to 120 high school
              learning processes that facilitate the   students. The recollection of data
              solution of environmental issues.   used several joint techniques, such
              By means of Project Based Learning   as participative observation, surveys,
              methodology (ABP in Spanish) that   online questionnaires (Linkert Scale)
              uses Informatics and Communication   and open interview. The implementation
              Technologies (TIC in Spanish), this   of Project Based Learning methodology,
              mixed  approach  study  addresses,  in   using Informatics and Communication
              an integral way, the development of   Technologies, shows significant
              analysis and environmental problem   improvements in pedagogical processes
              solution skills in high school students,   associated to the development of
              inhabitants of the southern slope of the   environmental problem solution
              Cali city, an area particularly affected by   skills. As a result, it is possible to infer
              various problems associated with its   that it promotes processes such as
              population dynamics, made up mostly   collaborative work and encourages
              of human settlements of incomplete   the methodological innovation in the
              development, which as a consequence   classroom.
              of this factor and the geographical
              conformation of It has been strongly
              impacted by natural disasters (floods
              and landslides), in addition to being
              exposed to risks associated with health,
              due to the lack of basic conditions of
              drinking  water  supply  and  collection
              and due treatment of solid waste,
              which turns this group of students into a
              socially and environmentally vulnerable
              population, as they are constantly
              exposed to the consequences of
              climate change, evidenced in dynamics
              of extreme risk and even tragedies that
              have led to human losses. this study
              has  been promoting questions from
              critical citizens. The general design of
              the research took elements from the

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