P. 124

SUMMARY                         by the implications that the war brought   Bastidas, en la Finca La Victoria.
                                                                                 Agosto 1ro de 2017, sector La
                                              with it. In this sense, this presentation
                                              seeks to share this experience through   Nevera, municipio  de  Palmira
                   he Hermosas Moor, for its   some elements that serve as background   (Valle del Cauca).
                   inhabitants, is “life itself”, because   to the process. Also, describe the field   Bastidas, E. (2017b). Comunicación
              Tit has been the space where    work carried out between the years   personal con la señora Eri
              they have built their lives. This socio-  2017 and 2019 and give some elements   Bastidas, en la Finca La Victoria.
              ecosystem is loaded with connotations   to establish dialogues, around the   Agosto  10  de  2017,  sector  La
              related to the armed conflict in Colombia   design of the collaborative process of   Nevera, municipio  de  Palmira
              and, on occasions, to indications of   environment for education.  (Valle del Cauca).
              possible negative implications of its                           Bastidas, E. (2017c). Comunicación
              the territory. Thus, in the generation  REFERENCIAS                personal con la señora Eri
              inhabitants in the transformation of
                                                                                 Bastidas en la Finca Campoalegre.
              of tensions and at times, the                                      Septiembre 26 de 2017, sector
              impossibility of co-creating programs   Acevedo, C.; Bravo, D. (2011). Plan local   La Nevera, municipio de Palmira
              and projects that provide solutions to   de educación ambiental. Parque   (Valle del Cauca).
              felt needs. This has happened with   Nacional Natural Las Hermosas.   Comité para la Conservación de la
              environmental education, which tends   (Parque Nacional Natural Las   Cuenca del río Nima (ProNima) y
              to be decontextualized when being   Hermosas). Palmira.            Corporación Autónoma Regional
              built from the cities and concerns   Aguilar, S.; Barroso, J. (2015). La   del Valle del Cauca (CVC). (2006).
              the approach of generic themes that   triangulación de datos como   Documento técnico para aunar
              cover up the importance of work from   estrategia en investigación   esfuerzos,  recursos  técnicos  y
              the highlands of the Central Cordillera   educativa.               económicos para fortalecer el
              of Valle del Cauca, where this moor is   Aragón, M. (2017). Diálogo   sistema departamental de áreas
              located. The environment for education   semiestructurado presencial con   protegidas (SIDAP) a través de la
              began in 2017 and is a commitment to   Zootecnista Mauricio Aragón en   formulación del plan de manejo
              an  intercultural  process,  because  it   torno a la educación ambiental   del Parque Natural Regional del
              opens the opportunity to join forces   en la Cordillera Central del Valle   Nima y el establecimiento de
              between various local, institutional and   del Cauca. Octubre 20 de 2017,   Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad
              academic actors around a common goal:   Palmira (Valle, del Cauca).   Civil, en el municipio de Palmira.
              “to take care of life”. Therefore, it has   Aragón, M. (2020). Diálogo   Corzo, E. (2013). Una mirada desde
              been relevant to build trust from the   semiestructurado virtual con   los páramos a la conservación
              recognition and appreciation of those   Zootecnista Mauricio Aragón en   de  la biodiversidad. En Cortés-
              participants, of processes of socio-  torno al proyecto GEF Mosaicos   Duque, J y Sarmiento, C (Eds).
              environmental conservation of the moor,   de Conservación SIRAP Macizo.   Visión socioecosistémica de
              a place with favorable conditions for   Marzo 24 de 2020. Pixel –Bit.   los  páramos  y  la  alta  montaña
              the generation of water, the starting   Revista de Medios y Educación.   colombiana: memorias del proceso
              point of the life of beings alive. It has   Nº 47 Julio.           de definición de criterios para la
              sought to recover and / or strengthen   Archivo Central del Cauca. (S.f.).   delimitación de páramos. Pp. 89-
              exchanges of knowledge that, due to   Catálogo general. Signatura 3563.   102.Instituto de Investigación de
              the armed conflict, had to stop practicing   (Col. CII-2h). Manuscrito original   Recursos biológicos Alexander
              such as walks and workshops and the   de 1731. Popayán.            von Humboldt. Bogotá.
              opportunity  has  been  opened  to  re-  Bastidas, E. (2017a). Comunicación   Departamento Administrativo de
              signify spaces that were overshadowed   personal con la señora Eri   Gestión del Medio Ambiente de

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