P. 84

and perform simulations to configure   from the characterization of unicausal   simulation based on the Loopy interface
              possible solution scenarios (Meadows,   relationships, the configuration of   to  warn  of  the  complexity  of  socio-
              2008). The compendium of the three   linear, deductive and unidirectional   environmental phenomena. Among
              phases encourages exploration of   links (Rodríguez, 2016). The students   the main conclusions we highlight the
              students’ intuition. With this we   identified and analyzed a problem   integration of different disciplinary
              assume that the pedagogical meaning   regarding the case study and proposed   knowledge, in order to achieve a greater
              of the experience starts from the   a possible solution. The second   understanding of the phenomena under
              recognition that students make of their   moment starts from the evaluation of   study. The approach to the complexity of
              own role, as active subjects of their   the solutions proposed in the previous   socio-environmental phenomena was
              own learning (Peña et al. 2020). The   moment. We locate the object of the   made possible by the connection that
              pedagogical experience is divided into   evaluation in the recognition of certain   students made between reductionist
              two moments: the first characterized   absences, regarding unexplored   and systemic perspectives. The
              by the exploration of reductionist   dimensions. From there we present   modeling  and  simulation  processes
              perspectives; and, the second, by   the basic notions of systemic thinking:   stimulated critical thinking and allowed
              understanding systemic perspectives.   multiplicity of causal relationships,   the construction of possible change
              At first, we assigned case studies of   perspectives and actors involved for the   scenarios.
              socio-environmental phenomena to   structuring of problematic situations
              working groups. These were approached   (Andrade et al. 2001) and modeling and


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