P. 89

SUMMARY                         of the group’s execution towards the   para aprender sobre la naturaleza
                                                                                 de la ciencia y la tecnología en
                                              separation of waste. The analysis
                                              shows results in the sequence and   educación básica (Proyecto
                  ife, even from the beginning of   performance of the focal sampling; as an   Eancyt). In Anais do II Seminário
                  humanity, has  revolved  around   outstanding participation with focused   Hispano Brasileiro - CTS (pp. 116–
             Lthe same aspects: food, housing,   and important reflections through the   128).
              relationship with the other and with the   combination of play and videos. And in   Corral, V. (2010). Psicología de la
              environment, which are interwoven with   waste disposal, there is an improvement   sustentabilidad. Un análisis de
              daily activities leading to structuring   of 17.2% of correctly disposed waste,   lo que nos hace pro-ecológicos
              daily life and also in establishing   going from 610 waste properly disposed   y pro-sociales. (Universidad de
              behaviors that they are defined as   in ex-ante observation, to 722 waste   Sonora, Ed.). Editorial Trillas.
              lifestyles. This form of organization of   in ex-post observation, with adequate   Delorenzi, O. (2010).  Residuos
              the human being has left an ecological   disposal. Likewise, it was concluded   Domiciliarios: cómo Trabajar la
              footprint, the impact on the environment   that, although the percentage may be   Temática en la Escuela. Ciencia,
              that is at a turning point, especially   representative, it was not maintained   5(15), 111–122.
              with production and consumption, and   after the month of its consideration.   Novo, M. (2009). La educación
              hence the generation of waste. When   Therefore, the results make us reflect   ambiental: una genuina educación
              taking a look at their management, it   on the need to maintain the recall of   Para el desarrollo sostenible
              is found that this is a global problem,   the subject in students, with different   (Revista de Educación). Madrid,
              indicated within the objectives of the   strategies.               España.
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