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SUMMARY                                                         REFERENCIAS

                   his research was developed   necessary for the understanding of the   Corchuelo Rodriguez, C.A. (2018).
                   as  a  classroom  project  of  the   interrelationships between the urban   Gamificación en educación
              TSustainable Urban Systems      components and the resources for their   superior: experiencia innovadora
              elective course of the Administración   operation. In this way, the game allows   para motivar estudiantes y
              Ambiental program of the Universidad   the analysis of the metabolic processes   dinamizar contenidos en el aula.
              Piloto de Colombia where the Block’   of the city on a neighborhood scale   Edutec Revista Electrónica de
              hood software was used to understand   through the interconnection of the   Tecnología Educativa, (63), 29
              from the simulation the concepts   blocks, their entrances, exits, and the   García Lázaro, I. (2019). Escape Room
              of urban metabolism and its impact   synergy that they generate between   como propuesta de gamificación
              on the sustainability of cities. The   them. Therefore, the game allows   en educación. Revista Educativa
              software invites players to visualize a   establishing guidelines for the analysis   HEKADEMOS, (27), 71-79.
              neighborhood  by  building  structures   of the operation and the limitations   Recuperado a partir de https://
              from a catalog of more than 200 blocks,   of urban systems in a simple way,
              which present a synergy with each   becoming a gamification tool  in  the   hekademos/article/view/17
              other, showing through causal diagrams   classroom for learning the principles of   Los videojuegos pueden transformar
              how the outputs of one become the   urban sustainability.          el aula. (2016, diciembre 22).
              inputs of another block. evidencing how                            Recuperado 7 de mayo de 2021,
              the city becomes a complex system.                                 de website:
              The student has the challenge of                         
              maintaining an ecological balance since                            tendencias/los-videojuegos-
              each  placed block  will consume and                               transforman-aula/
              produce resources of different types,                           Meares, H. (2016, mayo 17). Jose
              this number of resources increases                                 Sanchez: The architect-turned-
              or decreases when there is synergy                                 video game creator. Recuperado
              between them, the blocks to which the                              7 de mayo de 2021, de Curbed
              input  is  not  provided.  required,  they                         website: https://archive.curbed.
              deteriorate slowly and to the point                                com/2016/5/17/11672254/
              of collapse, depleting resources and                               architecture-video-game-
              thus  unbalancing  the  entire  system.                            blockhood-jose-sanchez
              This makes it possible to establish a                           Ortiz-Colón, A.-M.; Jordán, J.; Agredal,
              relationship of causality and dependency                           M. (2018). Gamificación en
              between each of the blocks used for                                educación: una panorámica sobre
              the design of the city, as well as making                          el estado de la cuestión. Educação
              it necessary to balance the resources                              e Pesquisa, 44(0). doi:10.1590/
              used and demanded. The software                                    s1678-4634201844173773
              is  both  an  educational  and  research
              initiative that explores the connection
              between games, architecture, and the
              sustainability of cities, contributing
              through a digital infrastructure to the
              ecological and systemic thinking that is

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