P. 87
the UEMS. The Environmental Literacy was proposed, which articulates the Environmental, Financial and economic,
Model (ELM) proposed by Hollweg et dimensions proposed by the proposed Institutional and Sociocultural, which
al. (2011), proposes an educational Integrated and Sustainable Solid in turn constitute possible barriers to
approach based on competencies, Waste Management Model by Van de achieve the behaviors for the ISWM.
which, in addition to knowledge, require Klunder and Anschütz (2001), with the Finally, from a questionnaire based on
attitudes, values, and motivations. components of ELM: context, knowledge, the ELM, different competencies are
This model prioritizes the context dispositions and competences, favoring determined for the ISWM, which will
as one of the determining factors of a systemic understanding of ISWM and guide management and EE actions
environmentally responsible behaviors, the complexity of EE. By establishing not only in the Catholic University of
a differentiating aspect with respect to variables for each dimension and Manizales but also in the University
other models (Calderón, Naranjo, Moreira analyzing their interactions through System of Manizales, contributing to
& Viana, 2021). In order to formulate an semi-quantitative modeling, the the construction of campus socially
Environmental Education and Culture importance of understanding the exemplary and consistent with the
Plan for the ISWM in universities of ISWM context from all of its dimensions knowledge management enacted in the
Manizales, an ELM applied to the ISWM is evident: Political-legal, Technical, University City of Colombia.
Calderón Cuartas, P.A.; Naranjo Vas- 87-f368-4837-9c61-2ed32724 racy. Washington, DC: North Ame-
co, J.M.; Moreira-Segura, C.; Oso- 045c rican Association for Environmen-
rio Viana, W. (2021). Partnership Calderón Cuartas, P.A.; Osorio Viana, tal Education. https://cdn.naaee.
for sustainable development. W.; Naranjo Vasco, J.M.; Guzmán org/sites/default/files/devfra-
Experiencies from Manizales, Hernández, T.deJ. (2019). mewkassessenvlitonlineed.pdf
Colombia, to improve environ- Formación de cultura ambiental Van de Klunder, A.; Anschütz, J. (2001).
mental education iniciatives. In: desde el enfoque de ciclo de Integrated Sustainable Waste Ma-
Pardo, C., Cotte, A. Environmen- vida: una propuesta pedagógica nagement - the Concept. Tools
tal Sustainability and Develop- para la sostenibilidad. Ambiente for Decision-makers. Experiences
ment in Organizations. https:// Y Desarrollo, 23(44). https://doi. from the Urban Waste Expertise org/10.11144/Javeriana.ayd23- Programme (1995-2001). http://
edit/10.1201/9781003009115/ 44.fcae
environmental-sustainability-de- Hollweg, K.; Taylor, J.; Bybee, R.; Mar- downloads/tools_ISWMconcept.
velopment-organizations-cla- cinkowski, T.; McBeth, W.; Zoido, P. pdf
ra-ins-pardo-martnez-alexan- (2011). Developing a framework
der-cotte-poveda?refId=36cfc5 for assessing environmental lite-